Friday, September 17, 2010

My little boy

Isaac is the cutest little boy ever...okay, that is my opinion, but after seeing some of these pictures you might just agree with me! You can't really tell, but in the picture above he is blowing my whistle. He started by just putting it in his mouth, and then I showed him how to blow and he has had a lot of fun ever since. Gratefully he doesn't blow very hard otherwise I think I would've gone crazy by now.
Watching Isaac sleep is one of my favorite things to do, unfortunately if I try to go watch him in his crib, he senses my presence and immediately wakes up. So I now have to take pleasure in watching him sleep only when he falls asleep in the car.
So Kory has this habit of not putting his shoes away. They end up in the hallway, living room, next to the closet but never inside...but there is one fun thing about those old Adidas shoes never being in the closet, Isaac finds his white Adidas shoes and puts them next to his dad's shoes. I'm not kidding. We didn't orchestrate this at all (I'm not that creative). Isaac did it all on his own. I just about died when I saw it.
Oatmeal for breakfast. Of course he holds the spoon, but never quite uses it. Instead he uses his bare hand. Oh well, at least he is happy and I can do something else while he sits strapped in:)
What is on Isaac's head? Well back in high school I got big hair things that go around my head to keep the wispies out of my face. I wear them a lot these days because my hair is growing back in and I have a lot of wispies (I lost a lot of hair after I had Isaac). Anyways, Isaac loves to copy anything Kory or I does, so he put the headband on his head. Adorable, definitely.
On to other news. Isaac knows a few words. His first word was ball. He said it when his soccer ball got stuck under something and he couldn't reach it. Then he said "ma" and "dad". Very, very cute. He also knows how to say dog, well it turns out more like, "doo". Other little Isaac idiosyncrasies: he loves to climb. He climbs on the computer chairs to get on the desks, he climbs onto the top of the couch only to slide down. He climbs onto the kitchen chairs, then on to the table. He climbs into his stroller....So along with this climbing he ends up a few feet off the ground right? Yes, well if Kory or I are near enough to him, he sticks his arms out and walks straight off the edge of whatever he is on. It doesn't matter if we are paying attention or not, because the kid feels no fear. He just walks off and hopes we are paying close enough attention to catch him. Scary? Absolutely.
Last Sunday I was sitting on the couch while he was playing and he just started turning in circles. He thought it was hilarious to do a couple of turns with his hands out and then start running in whatever direction he could. He didn't care one bit that he was on his feet and running for less than a step, he just laughed and laughed. Kory asked if I taught him to spin, and truthfully I didn't. Never even thought about it, but Isaac figured it out and now it's his daily routine, spinning.
Oh, if Isaac is hungry he opens the cupboard and grabs what he wants (if he can reach it) and then brings it to me or Kory so we can open it.


  1. He is adorable. Thanks for the update. It's fun to see him grow. He looks like such a happy kid. I'll bet you're the best mama ever!

  2. keep the updates coming:) I also think its hilarious when my kids start going through the pantry and bring something back to me! Just don't leave things open or they might end up eating half of it- proved by Will with oreos. Cute little isaac man! Little blondie:)

  3. MoBo, he's darling! I love the picture of him with the headband. Too funny!

  4. Maybe he learned the spinning from Addison! Anne and Rachel taught her how to do that while they were here and she has been doing it ever since. So funny, I am so glad to see that Isaac is home!

  5. I really do love the little guy, he is my cutest walking buddy :) YAY for updating your blog!

  6. I had NO idea you guys had a blog. Luckily Olivia is getting teeth and has decided its super fun to just end the whole sleeping thing. Because that leaves me away at 4:00 in the morning scanning blogs. Thanks to Nick and Amber I found you! Now post more...

  7. I definitely need to catch up with you--your little (not so little anymore) boy is absolutely adorable! Go team :)

    Love from the Holy Land!
