Monday, April 27, 2009


This last week I became an official college GRAD! For the past 4 1/2 years I have attended BYU. I can't say that I have loved every minute of it, but I can say that those moments I didn't like I can't remember very well. Instead I remember meeting my best friends, learning from great professors, and watching my fair share of sporting events! One of my favorite things about BYU is their ability to get general authorities to come and speak for various occasions. Luckily for the commencement exercises this year we had Elder Russell M. Nelson speak, and presiding was President Deiter F. Uchtdorf. On the stand was Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Sister Julie B. Beck (general relief society president), and Elder Ronald Rasband (of the presidency of the seventy). Talk about SWEET! Both President Uchtdorf and Elder Nelson spoke, both of whom did an excellent job. At times I found myself in tears knowing that my formal education was at an end...for now. Elder Nelson spoke of becoming. What an incredible thought. We went to school for so long just to get a degree, to "become" something, but in the end he was talking of becoming a better disciple of Christ and using our education for the benefit of others. Another thing that he spoke of was learning from others' mistakes. He challenged us to do that, instead of having to make those same mistakes. President Uchtdorf received an honorary doctorate for international relations and gave an excellent speech about continuing to learn, seeking the guidance of the spirit....and there was one other thing that I can't remember right now.
Anyways, the above picture was taken after the commencement at the bottom of the famous bell tower. I posted this picture, although it isn't the best of me, because it shows my pregnant belly the best. And I love this picture with my parents....because without them I would never have made it through college. They were there to inspire and help me all along the way. I will be forever grateful for their support and love.
And of course I love this picture to the left because of my shoes....haha, although that is partly true, the real truth is that my husband is so cute. I am so grateful for him and for his ever inspiring comments and love.

Finally, I cannot forget all those who came to the convocation (not the same as commencement, this was just for my college). I liked convocation because it was smaller (about 600 graduates), and I got to see my professors and take pictures with them...I will have to post those another day, I am running out of time right now! Anyways, I am so grateful for Kory's family for coming and supporting me. Just so everyone knows, starting from the left we have Chadwick, Susan, Grandma Helen, Allison, Samantha, Kory, Me, Mom, Dad. All of Kory's siblings came as did his mom and grandma. I love them all and appreciate their support so much!
Well, that is going to be it for my first blog....maybe later I will get the chance to post pictures my baby shower and other events from the weekend! But I must give myself some credit....I officially have a blog!


  1. Hooray Mo! You look so beautiful in these pictures. Love the straight hair and the pregnant belly! Congrats on graduation. I'm so proud of you and SO glad you are blogging now. I'm so sad me and the boys couldn't be there. Love you!

  2. Hey Mo- Congrats on the graduation. Amy and I are excited for your blog. Your belly looks so cute, we are excited to see this little guy Scot

  3. you look like you just have a basketball stuck under your gown. But I know it's for real cuz your mom is so excited.. she let me in on this so I could see you. Are you coming down for a visit before the baby comes? I LOVE, can I just say that one more time, LOVE working with your mom in YW, she is so amazing, it is the most inspired thing I think I've done as YW president to get her in with those Beehives. I'm glad she will be able to fit camp in after the baby comes. Boy or Girl? Names yet? Love you, Mo...weird that I remember your birth, wow, I'm so old...too bad I'll never learn to act my age. You look awesome and congrats on graduating.
